Savin’ Souls follows Dean as he attempts to save his newlywed wife, Jinsoul who was captured by the evil "Stealer of Souls", the leader of the Soul Stealers. Through his journey, Dean has multiple enemies that get increasingly more powerful, and Dean must find his way through various environments as they get increasingly harder to traverse. To help Dean,  there are upgrades and weapons to help him defeat these enemies to increase his power to match up with these stronger enemies. 


A - Left

D - Right

Space - Jump

Left Mouse Click - Fire weapon


N - Next Level

L - Extra Lives

R - Restart Room 

Q - Quit

Savin' Souls is a final project game developed through GameMaker Studio 2 in an intro to Game Development class at ASU. I utilized the knowledge gained from in-class lectures and at-home recordings to create this 2D platformer using the GameMaker visual coding and GML language.

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